Lake Wissota Golf
We are able to see many more new customers and develope return business because of the books. Thanks!
Massage Concepts
Coupon going very well, better turnout than any other I've used - even better than gift certificates I've given away.
Hudson Pet Grooming
Very good response, lots of coupons coming in, much better than newspaper. Best advertising I've had in years!
Chippewa Valley Museum
Liz Reuter
For the Chippewa Valley Museum, being included in the coupon book means we are able to connect more local residents with the history of the region. We appreciate having this opportunity!
Eau Claire Floral
Genny Hay
Our shop ran a coupon with the "My Local Deals" coupon book in 2010 and we have had a great response to it. Our coupon was for a great deal, half off any purchase made in the store-so we did get people in the door, which is exactly what we wanted! We were hoping to gain exposure and get people in to the store. I have gotten many of the coupons in here at the shop, much more than any other offer I have advertised! Since we had such great success from the "My Local Deals" coupon book last year we did the same thing again this year and have already gotten lots of the new ones back!
K-9 Bath Plus
Terri Hughes
As a small business it is a GREAT way to advertise to a larger area. Everyone loves to support fundraisers if they can and this was definately the way to go for me. Out of all the "more expensive" ways to advertise to the masses, I have more than got my dollars worth! This has worked better than any of the others I pay more for! I highly recommend advertising and supporting My Local Deals!